2020 Testimony – 17

Judiciary Committee,

I’m opposed to HB5448, An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant.

There is no need to change Connecticut’s current law. This current law is available to anyone at any time 365 days a year with police arriving within minutes from the time of call.

In Connecticut, a confiscation petition may be filed only by law enforcement officers or state’s attorney. Any person—including family members, former dating partners, neighbors, co-workers, and so on—can meet with law enforcement or a state’s attorney and request a petition. Then, officers or attorney must conduct their own investigation, moving forward with a petition if they find it warranted.

Some people worry that if law enforcement officers are in charge of petitions, the officers will make up excuses not to follow up a citizen’s request. The Connecticut experience indicates otherwise. Connecticut has a very high per capita rate of confiscation, even with the requirement that confiscation petitions must come from two law enforcement officers or state’s attorneys who have conducted an independent investigation.

This bill contains no stipulated penalties for false reporting.



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