2020 Testimony – 32

Judiciary Committee

300 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Judiciary Committee,

I’m opposed to HB5448, An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant.

There is no need to change Connecticut’s risk warrant law. Currently, the risk warrant is available to anyone at any time, day or night, weekday, weekends or holidays, with police arriving within minutes. It makes no sense for someone to wait till the courthouse opens to file. Some may say that some people don’t want to go to the police. Currently, those people have the option to go to a district attorney, which is also located at a courthouse.

Some may claim that we need to drop down to the one officer petition because some towns only have one officer available, I don’t know of any police force that will respond to a risk warrant request to remove firearms with only one officers. That makes no sense.   

Connecticut has a high per capita rate of confiscation, even with the requirement that confiscation petitions must come from two law enforcement officers. The current law is meeting the needs of its citizens. Do not pass feel good legislation that has no evidence to support it. Oppose HB5448.


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