2020 Testimony – 63

Esteemed Judiciary Committee Members;

Support- H.B. 5390 AAC the Duty to Retreat in a House of Religious Worship

Support- H.B. 5432 AAC Nonlethal Electronic Defense Weapons

OPPOSE- H.B. 5448 AAC a Risk Protection Order or Warrant

H.B. 5448 AAC a Risk Protection Order or Warrant this bill would demand that anyone who has had a risk warrant filed against them prove by a preponderance of evidence that they are no longer a risk before any of their property will be returned. All Connecticut residents who value any of their constitutionally protected rights should be concerned about the precedent being suggested and how far government overreach will be allowed to go. I DO NOT support H.B. 5448 AAC a Risk Protection Order or Warrant. I DO support H.B. 5432 AAC Nonlethal Electronic Defense Weapons and H.B. 5390 AAC the Duty to Retreat in a House of Religious Worship these are good bills and be supported.

Connecticut Voter,



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