On May 16th & 23rd, we will be holding a 2A Tuesday Day at the Legislative Office Building and the State Capitol where we can make our voices heard and advocate for our unalienable rights.

Your participation is essential to the success of this event. Our goal is to remind all the legislators of how many legal firearms owners, 2nd Amendment supporters, and how large of a voting block we are.

HB6667 AN ACT CONCERNING GUN VIOLENCE “2023 ASSAULT WEAPON BAN” is expected to come up for a vote as early as this week. We need all our members who are passionate about making a difference in our state to be in Hartford on 2A Tuesdays. And we urge you to act now and reach out to your state representative. Make your voice heard and let them know what you stand for, if you are planning on attending 2A Tuesday request a meeting with them when you are there.  It may seem like a small act, but it can have a big impact.

This is an opportunity to meet with your legislators in person, to share your stories and experiences, and to advocate for your rights that are important to you.
The event will take place from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM at the State Legislative Office Building located at 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT. Come for the whole day or just a few hours. Anytime you are available will help.

Please read our 2A Tuesday Guide for additional information, a timeline, and guidance on effectively communicating with legislators, and making the most of your time at the Capitol.

We look forward to seeing you there and working to make a difference.

We will be holding a webinar to have a quick overview of 2A Tuesdays if you have any questions.

New Memberships and The CCDL store are temporarily disabled while we upgrade our website.

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