
2020 Testimony – 14

OPPOSE Bill #5448 An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant To Whom it May Concern, The Giffords/Bloomberg system, allows petitions to be filed by a very wide variety of people, including ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends. Keep Connecticut’s requirement that a petition must be filed by two law enforcement officers, and they must have conducted

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2020 Testimony – 13

Oppose HB5448 AN ACT CONCERNING A RISK PROTECTION ORDER OR WARRANT Honorable Members of the Judiciary Committee, It is well-known in family and domestic law that ex parte procedures with low standards of evidence are often abused by angry spouses in a divorce, jilted lovers, and so on. Do not take away the investigation by

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2020 Testimony – 12

Re: H.B. 5448 AN ACT CONCERNING A RISK PROTECTION ORDER OR WARRANT Oppose H.B. 5448 AN ACT CONCERNING A RISK PROTECTION ORDER OR WARRANT Members of the Joint Judiciary Committee, One study looked at suicide in Connecticut. Connecticut’s estimated reduction in firearm suicides was offset by increased non-firearm suicides. This bill will cause gun owners

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2020 Testimony – 11

Sen Winfield, Rep Stafstrom, Members of the Judiciary Committee, It’s wrong for legislators to champion red flag laws as though they are a panacea to the growing crisis of gun violence in America. Address the real problem fund the Firearm Trafficking Task Force. Oppose HB 5448 AN ACT CONCERNING A RISK PROTECTION ORDER OR WARRANT.

2020 Testimony – 11 Read More »

2020 Testimony – 10

Oppose: HOUSE BILL 5448 AN ACT CONCERNING A RISK PROTECTION ORDER OR WARRANT Members of the Joint Judiciary Committee The current risk warrant laws have met the needs of Connecticut residents, I’m opposed to HOUSE BILL 5448. If passed gun owners will now have to choose between their civil liberties or mental health. Gun owners

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2020 Testimony – 9

Re: H.B. 5448 An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant Esteemed Judiciary Committee Members; I’m opposed to H.B. 5448 An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant because a study of the Indiana law allowing police to seize firearms from people, they considered dangerous, found outcomes closely correlated to defendants’ presence at

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2020 Testimony – 8

Joint Committee on Judiciary Hartford, CT 06106 OPPOSITION to HB 6355 AN ACT CONCERNING RISK PROTECTION ORDERS OR WARRANTS SUPPORT for HB 6491 AN ACT CONCERNING NONLETHAL ELECTRONIC DEFENSE WEAPONS To: Members of the Joint Judiciary Committee, HB 6355 AN ACT CONCERNING RISK PROTECTION ORDERS OR WARRANTS is a phony solution created by the same

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2020 Testimony – 7

Dear Senator Winfield, Representative Stafstrom, Distinguished Members of the Judiciary Committee, I strongly urge you to oppose Committee Bill. 6355.  Currently, the risk warrant is available to anyone at any time with police arriving immediately.  It makes no sense for someone to wait till the courthouse opens to file for an “extreme risk” warrant, if someone is so

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2020 Testimony – 6

OPPOSE- Raised HB-5448 An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or Warrant Esteemed Judiciary Committee Members, I’m opposed to any procedure that allows a judge to hear only one side of a case, this will produce a high error rate. Civil liberties will be striped based on one sided judgment. This wrong. Oppose Raised HB-5448.

2020 Testimony – 6 Read More »

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