Curious to where a candidate stands on your right to self defense? Look no further. Below is the list of all candidates for the State of Connecticut and their 2A ratings according to CCDL. If you are not sure what district you are in, click here and enter your address.

How it Works

Voting is the BEST and EASIEST way to protect your rights.  Electing candidates that support the right to keep and bear arms makes all our jobs easier when it comes to the constant fight we have in Hartford.   

It all STARTS at the ballot box.  It is not enough to just say you support gun rights – you MUST do something.  Commit to voting and even better, commit to taking friends and family to the polling station and vote for CCDL Endorsed or Pro-2A Candidates. 

Prior to obtaining a rating, Candidates will fall into one of two categories to determine how they are rated:

  1. Those who held office previously and have a voting record will be reviewed based on that voting record.
  2. Those without a voting record have been sent a CCDL Candidate Questionnaire to find their stance on issues that are important to CCDL and those who support our rights to self defense. 

Based on the results the Candidate’s voting record or questionnaire, Candidates will receive a rating of one of the following; Endorsed, Pro2A, Unreliable, Anti2A, and Unknown. Please read on to see how a candidate can achieve each rating.


Identifies Candidates with a 100% voting record with CCDL.  Only those who have a voting record can obtain this level of rating.


Indicates the Candidate either has a voting record that has voted a majority of the time with CCDL OR indicates a Candidate that does not have a voting record and scored high on CCDL’s questionnaire. 


Indicates the Candidate either has a voting record voting some of the time with CCDL OR indicates a Candidate that does not have a voting record and did not score high on CCDL’s questionnaire.


Indicates the Candidate either has a voting record that generally does not vote with CCDL OR indicates a Candidate that does not have a voting record and scored low on CCDL’s questionnaire.


Indicates the Candidate does not have a voting record, has not returned a CCDL questionnaire or has made public statements. If your Candidate rates as Unknown, ask them why they haven’t responded to CCDL’s Questionnaire.

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