CCDL Lobby Day – Fight the Ammo Tax

It is time for you to step up and fight for your rights!Lobby Day 1


Public Hearing on H.B. 5040 AN ACT ESTABLISHING AN EXCISE TAX ON AMMUNITION is scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 1:00PM in room 2E at the Legislative Office Building at 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106

Link to a No Ammo Tax Sign

Link to Lobby Day Photo Guide for Finance Committee

FAQ for attending Lobby Day

Connecticut lawmakers want to impose a 35% ammunition tax on gun owners and use the revenue to support anti-gun organizations while exempting law enforcement and municipalities from this tax. 

Members are needed for are First LOBBY DAY this session and to submit testimony!
Step by step guide to protect your rights! Take action NOW

STEP 1 – Prepare your written testimony preferably in Word or PDF – Click here for sample testimony
STEP 2  Email your written testimony to: Use OPPOSE HB 5040 in subject line
STEP 3 – cc: your testimony to your state Senator and Representative
STEP 4 – Attend Lobby Day on Thursday, February 27, 2020

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

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