December 2018 Meeting Minutes

                                                   MEETING MINUTES: CCDL General Meeting


General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League was held on December 11, 2018 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting began at 7:00 PM and was presided over by Scott Wilson, with Cheryl Lemos as secretary. The meeting opened with the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.



EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: John Beidler, Chris Lemos, Cheryl Lemos, Scott Wilson, Bob Starr, Michelle McBrien, Robert Chambers, Holly Sullivan, Kris Witherill, Frank Russello, Dominick Basile, Walt Kupson, Jonathan Hardy, Keith Cagle


GUESTS:    Attorney Andy Buzzi

                    Attorney Greg Miller

                    Attorney Craig Fischbein

                    Doug Dubitsky

                    Bob Stefanowski



  • Executive and committee reports
  • Dom Basile – Pistol Permit Fundraiser
  • Dave Bicknell – New Year’s Eve Shoot at Branford Gun Club
  • Discussion on upcoming 2019 legislative session
  • CCDL 10 Year Anniversary Dinner details
  • Joint PowerPoint Presentation conducted by Attorneys Andy Buzzi and Greg Miller


President’s Report – Scott Wilson
-Conducted Executive Meeting 11/27/18

-Met with State Representative Sean Scanlon along with Ray Scanlon

-Worked with Ray Bevis and Chris Lemos on Easton Alert

-Set meeting with legislators on Friday to discuss Ethan’s Law bill and others

-Announcement of New Executive Members – Dominick Basile and Walt Kupson

-Numerous press and radio contacts

-Helped craft alerts and communications with legislators

-Numerous other tasks.

Vice-President’s Report – Chris Lemos

-Worked on the website, blog, social media post, and membership emails.

-Attended Executive Meeting 11/27/18

Treasurer’s Report – Robert Starr
-Available Funds:

  • People’s Bank Balance (Litigation) = $ 86,317
  • People’s Bank Balance (Operations) = $ 88,189
  • Paypal Balance = $ 2,101

-Attended Executive Meeting 11/27/18

Secretary’s Report – Cheryl Lemos  
-Created minutes for the previous monthly meeting and provided to the Technology Coordinator to post to the website.

-Attended the CCDL Executive Meeting 11/27/18


Membership Coordinator – Kris Witherill
-Membership report

-Member Total –    31787

-New Members –   158


Events Coordinator – Holly Sullivan

-Attended the executive meeting 11/27/18

-10th Anniversary dinner tickets for sale – new venue is La Bella Vista in Waterbury Saturday February 23rd at 5:00 PM


Legislative Coordinator – Ray Bevis (presented by Walt Kupson)
-Attended CCDL executive meeting 11/27/18

– Meet with Rep Scanlon and Scott Wilson to discuss the proposed “Ethan’s Law”

This DRAFT of the proposed bill will change the firearm safe storage law to require all firearm to be secured if someone under 18 is likely to access the firearm.  Not just Unloaded firearm.  Rep Scanlan has asked for feedback from CCDL on other firearm safety measures.

-Did Legislative research on P.A. 90-144 AAC the Responsibilities of Owners of Firearms with Respect to Children.

-Discovered that 28 years ago in addition to the safe storage part of the P.A., the second part also included establishing a Firearm    Safety Program Curriculum for K-8th grade students.

-Filed three FOIA request:

DEEP for how many Firearm Hunting licenses were issued to 16 and 17-year-old.

2017 – total of 721 / 2018- total of 549 (to date)

State Board of Education for a copy of the Firearm Safety Program Curriculum.


Town of Easton for the latest version of the proposed Firearm Ordinance.


-Attended the Town of Easton Board of Selectmen’s meeting on 12/6/2018

-The final draft of the proposed firearms ordinance is still pending, but the latest version includes:

No Discharge of firearms within 500 feet of buildings.

No Discharging of firearms on property posted as hunting prohibited.

-Target practice on private property needs safety approval of the Chief of Police AND the Board of Selectmen. Would require 24 to 72-hour notice to be given to all neighbors and a notice posted at the street front of property one hour before and removed one hour after shooting. Must notify the Police department before. Target practice will only be permitted for one hour.

Town wide ban on Class III, State Defined Assault Weapons, and LCM.

No person under the age of 18 may discharge a firearm, except between the age 12 to 18 for target practice only in the physical presents of a parent or peace officer.

Ban carry on town owned property.

Require all firearms to be locked and stored in a steel lock box.

A total of 28 residents spoke against these proposals, none spoke in favor.

Requested Bill Proposals for the 2019 General Assembly Session for:

Uniform criteria for an application for a temporary state permit to carry a pistol or revolver.

To prohibit local regulation of firearms.

To fully adopt the “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” law. And establish a presumption in a self-defense claim.

The Windsor Marksmen’s Association will be hosting a CCDL legislative Workshop on Saturday February 2nd from 12:00PM – 2:00PM at 28 West St, Windsor, CT

Additional correspondence:

Answered a few emails and spoke via phone to numerous legislators.

Merchandise Coordinator – Michelle McBrien
–   March 29, 30, 31 we will have a booth set up at the Hunting and Fishing Show in Hartford


Permit Issues Coordinator – Jonathan Hardy

-Discussed current cases at the Board of Pistol Permit


  • December Food Drive – for nearly eight years, CCDL has collected and distributed food for those in need at our monthly meetings. Thank you to all of our members who generously donated canned goods and other non-perishable items to our January meeting.
  • Letter Writing Campaign – all CCDL members are encouraged to write pro-gun letters to the editors of news organizations.


  • Executive and committee reports
  • Dom Basile – Pistol Permit Fundraiser
  • Discussion on upcoming 2019 legislative session
  • CCDL 10 Year Anniversary Dinner details
  • Joint PowerPoint Presentation conducted by Attorneys Andy Buzzi and Greg Miller


The next General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League will held on January 8, 2019 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM.



Scott Wilson called the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 pm


Cheryl Lemos – Secretary CCDL

December 11, 2018

New Memberships and The CCDL store are temporarily disabled while we upgrade our website.

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