If you are one of those people who say, “I want to help, but I don’t know what to do”, CCDL’s Outreach Program is for you!
CCDL has over 40,000 members! Think how much more effective we could be if 0.5% of our membership…just 203 people, made a small commitment to be more active!
The Outreach Program seeks to maximize our efforts through a structured, organization framework. You could be our “eyes and ears” in each of Connecticut’s 169 towns and serve as our “quick reaction force”. You would have enormous support by Outreach leaders.
Outreach is organized into five Regions, and those are divided further into Areas. Each Area has a few towns in it. This structure allows Outreach to quickly identify and take action on local issues that impact gun owner’s rights. The Outreach Program is a force multiplier to CCDL’s efforts and gives gun owners the political force to effectively deal with statewide issues.
Although our ranks are not completely filled, CCDL’s Outreach Program has been enormously successful. Among our wins are:
- Griswold – Outreach response caused a proposed gun-free zone ordinance to be defeated by 200 to 2 votes!
- Portland & Montville – proposed anti-gun noise ordinance defeated!
- Norwalk – Outreach came out in force and defeated a restrictive gun ordinance by an 18 to 2 margin!
- NEWTOWN – responses by Outreach teams, some with little notice, repeatedly shut down anti-gun ordinances spearheaded by Newtown Action Alliance!!
If you have had ENOUGH of the gun-grabbers taking away YOUR rights, we want to help YOU help all of us!!!
Use the contact form below, select your town, and contact that Regional Manager to learn more. Additionally, our Outreach Coordinator, Dr. Walt Kupson can be reached at outreach@ccdl.us
If not you, who? If not now……when??