Monthly Member Meeting – Tuesday, March 12, 2019


General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League was held on March 12, 2019 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting began at 7:00 PM and was presided over by Scott Wilson, with Cheryl Lemos as secretary. The meeting opened with the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.



EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bevis, Chris Lemos, Cheryl Lemos, Scott Wilson, Bob Starr, Holly Sullivan, Walt Kupson, John Beidler, Kris Witherill, Frank Russello, Dominick Basile, Jonathan Hardy,

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Michelle McBrien, Robert Chambers, Kevin Holian-Borgnis, Keith Cagle,

GUESTS:     State Rep. Tim Ackert



  • Executive and committee reports
  • Presentation of the Legislator of the Year award
  • Emails to the Judiciary
  • Letter writing campaign
  • Anniversary dinner Wrap-up
  • Hunting and Fishing Show
  • Looking ahead in 2019
  • Brief Open Forum – input from Attendees


President’s Report – Scott Wilson
-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call

-Numerous press and radio contacts

-Helped craft alerts and communications with legislators

-Numerous other tasks.

Vice-President’s Report – Chris Lemos

-Worked on the website, blog, social media post, and membership emails.  

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call

Treasurer’s Report – Robert Starr

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call
-Available Funds:

  • People’s Bank Balance (Litigation) = $ 81,317
  • People’s Bank Balance (Operations) = $ 127,038
  • Paypal Balance = $ 1,962

Secretary’s Report – Cheryl Lemos  
-Created minutes for the previous monthly meeting and provided to the Technology Coordinator to post to the website.

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call


Membership Coordinator – Kris Witherill

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call
-Membership report

-Member Total –     32728

-New Members –    742


Events Coordinator – Holly Sullivan

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call

-10th Anniversary dinner was held at La Bella Vista in Waterbury Saturday February 23rd.


Legislative Coordinator – Ray Bevis

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call

-Attended the 10th Anniversary Dinner

-Held three Legislative Workshops

Thank you to the Windsor marksmen’s Association, New Haven Sportsman’s Club and the Southington Sportsman’s Association. We had a total of 225 people attend this year’s workshops. That is about 80 more than last year.

-Spoke about pending legislation at: Connecticut Conservation Advisory Council (CCAC), Bloomfield Fish and Game, CCAC/CHEA president’s meeting.

Hand delivered 400 letters from CCDL members to Judiciary Committee members about proposed gun bills. Thank you to Frank -Russello and Brian Corbino for your help with is.

-Drafted Action Alerts.

-Wrote a public hearing guide for members.

-Public Hearing Wrap up: Public Hearing was on March 11, 2019

-Seven Gun Bills were on the agenda’

-The room was full and we were outnumbered by attendees

-The hearing lasted just over 14 hours

-So, far there is over 1,615 written testimonies submitted online. I expect a small amount to still trickle in this week. This seem like a lot and there is defiantly an increase from last year, when compared bill per bill (approx. 30). But I will need time to read through all of them to determine their positions

-A total of 97 people signed up to speak

-There was two incidents during the course of the hearing worth mentioning, The first, is one of our members happened to notice a text that a woman sitting in front of him was writing, the text said, “If I had a gun, I’d blow away Sampson and a large group of NRA”, We alerted Sampson and Police to this, the police interviewed the woman and had her leave the grounds. The Second incident was that the that Jeremy Stein Executive Director of CAGV, used Bridgeport Police Chief as a mule to smuggle in a receiver to use as a prop for the hearing. CCDL has asked the police if we could bring into the LOB and was told “that’s never going to happen”. Stein was removed and questioned, but was allowed to return. Stein said, he asked multiple police officers and was told he could bring it. I know from our experience from our Bump Stock Display at the LOB last year, that’s not how the approval happens, they have to ask their Chief and you tend to be escorted by police from the door to the display, with the understanding that its never to leave the area. Also, all props need prior approval from the committee.

  -Let me remind members that at public hearing there is a decorum, we need to be respectful, we need to refrain from making comments when people are speaking, the room is being live broadcasted and recorded. We DON’T do our cause any justice if we can’t sit quietly and be respectful to others and the process.

-Additional correspondence:

-Answered countless emails and phone calls

-Met with legislators

Merchandise Coordinator – Michelle McBrien (Kris Witherall)

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 2/26/2019 via conference call
–   March 29, 30, 31 we will have a booth set up at the Hunting and Fishing Show in Hartford


Permit Issues Coordinator – Jonathan Hardy

-Discussed current cases at the Board of Pistol Permit


  • January Food Drive – for nearly eight years, CCDL has collected and distributed food for those in need at our monthly meetings. Thank you to all of our members who generously donated canned goods and other non-perishable items to our January meeting.
  • Letter Writing Campaign – all CCDL members are encouraged to write pro-gun letters to the editors of news organizations.  


  • Executive and committee reports
  • Presentation of the Legislator of the Year award
  • Emails to the Judiciary
  • Letter writing campaign
  • Anniversary dinner Wrap-up
  • Hunting and Fishing Show
  • Looking ahead in 2019
  • Brief Open Forum – input from Attendees


The next General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League will held on April 9, 2019 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM.



Scott Wilson called the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 pm


Cheryl Lemos – Secretary CCDL

March 12, 2019

New Memberships and The CCDL store are temporarily disabled while we upgrade our website.

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