Monthly Member Meeting – Tuesday, May 14, 2019


General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League was held on May 14, 2019 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting began at 7:00 PM and was presided over by Scott Wilson, with Cheryl Lemos as secretary. The meeting opened with the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.



EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bevis, Chris Lemos, Cheryl Lemos, Bob Starr, Walt Kupson, John Beidler, Kris Witherill, Robert Chambers, Scott Wilson, Holly Sullivan,

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Michelle McBrien, Dominick Basile, Keith Cagle, Frank Russello, Kevin Holian-Borgnis, Jonathan Hardy,




  • Executive and committee reports
  • Legislative Update (Status of current bills for this session)
  • Emails to Senate
  • Black Guns Matter Event
  • Amicus Brief – Report on NYSRPA v NYC and its potential impact for CT
  • Volunteer opportunities to help CCDL
  • Open forum


President’s Report – Scott Wilson
-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19

-Exec Meeting on April 23rd
-Communicated with legislators
-Media and press statements
-Executed legal agreement for Amicus Brief
-Reviewed and approved Amicus Brief
-Responded to numerous emails and communications
-Worked with Ray on Amendments for the House and some on the Senate 
-Numerous other tasks

Vice-President’s Report – Chris Lemos

-Worked on the website, blog, social media post, and membership emails.  

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19

Treasurer’s Report – Robert Starr

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19
-Available Funds:

  • People’s Bank Balance (Litigation) = $ $81,317
  • People’s Bank Balance (Operations) = $ 111,539
  • Paypal Balance = $2,009

Secretary’s Report – Cheryl Lemos  
-Created minutes for the previous monthly meeting and provided to the Technology Coordinator to post to the website.

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19


Membership Coordinator – Kris Witherill

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19

-Sold merchandise at the CT Gunfighter’s meet and greet @ The Gun Store 
-Membership report

     -Member Total –     33513

     -New Members –    331


Events Coordinator – Holly Sullivan

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19

– Family Picnic is Saturday August 24, volunteers and raffle items needed

– Friday, Sept 6 is Black Guns Matter speaking event at UNH

– 11th Anniversary Dinner is booked for Saturday February 22 at La Bella Vista

-Working on possibly hosting a shoot for college kids. No date scheduled yet.


Legislative Coordinator – Ray Bevis

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19

-Attended the Central Connecticut Chapter of the Safari Club International annual dinner.

-Spent numerous days at the LOB and Capitol advocating on the pending bills. And spent the morning, day, evening, on May 7th when the house called two of the gun bills.

-Gave two media interviews, Newstimes and Fox 61

-Worked on numerous amendments for H.B. 7219 AAC Ghost Guns and H.B. 7223 AAC The Storage Of A Pistol Or Revolver In A Motor Vehicle. Rep. Dubitsky, Rep. Fishbien, were key in getting these amendments called and passed. I also need to mention Rep. Rebimbas and acknowledge her help with the storage in vehicle bill amendments.

-The three gun bills passed the House and are waiting to be called in the Senate.

    -H.B. 7218 AN ACT CONCERNING THE SAFE STORAGE OF FIREARMS IN THE HOME AND FIREARM SAFETY PROGRAMS IN      PUBLIC SCHOOLS. (Yea 127 / Nay 16 / Absent or NV 7) This bill remained unchanged from the version that came out of committee.

     -H.B. 7219 AN ACT CONCERNING GHOST GUNS (Yea 108 / Nay 36 / Absent or NV 6) This bill has changed a lot from the previous version. The current version which may change in the Senate, has a grandfather clause, so, anyone that might want to buy a frame or receiver may want to do it now or before it becomes law, most likely to happen within the next few weeks. It also, will allow for the completion of frames or receivers after getting a serial number from DESPP. It states DESPP must issue within 3 business days. It will allow for future sale provided the manufacture affixes a serial number and the buyer has a valid pistol permit and passes a background check. There is an exception for antique and replicas. The bill only applies to the initial manufacturing not re-assembly. So, it doesn’t apply to the pre-68 firearms.

     -H.B. 7223 AN ACT CONCERNING THE STORAGE OF A PISTOL OR REVOLVER IN A MOTOR VEHICLE.  (Yea 98 / Nay 48 / Absent or NV 4) The current version that passed the house, says any pistol or revolver as to be locked in a trunk, toolbox, glove box, or safe when the vehicle is unattended. The back of hatchbacks and SUV are NOT acceptable. It also decreased the penalty from a class D felony to a class A misdemeanor.

-Spoke and gave legislative update to the Prospect Gun Club, 17 new members signed up.

-Thank you to the few members that sent me ideas, but we still need ideas on how to get more gun owners engaged, I’m asking if anyone has any suggestions on what we can do to get more members engaged in the legislative process to email those suggestions to me, at

-Naugatuck Members or Naugatuck business owners: There will be a special zoning permit hearing on Wednesday, May 15th at the Naugatuck Town Hall at 6:00 P.M. for the special permit for the proposed Firearm Store at 4 Arch Street, Applicant: Tom’s Firearm’s, LLC.

-ACTION ALERT: We need to contact our State Senator H.B. 7219, H.B. 7223 ASAP! Call them!!!

-Please for our keyboard warriors, if you see a legislator taking heat for voting with us, give them cover, show your support for their vote. Let people know that residents of CT do still support gun rights.

-Additional correspondence:

-Answered numerous emails and phone calls

-Met with numerous legislators

Merchandise Coordinator – Michelle McBrien (Kris Witherall)

-Attended the Executive Board meeting on 04/23/19
-Scheduled CCDL to have merch at the Gunfighter meet and greet at The Gun Store

-delivered decals to various stores

-picked up decals from our vendor

-went to the Prospect Gun Club with Ray Bevis


Permit Issues Coordinator – Jonathan Hardy

-Discussed current cases at the Board of Pistol Permit

Walt Knupson

– Attended the Gun Safety and Public Health Panel and Rep Gilcrest’s response


  • May Food Drive – for nearly eight years, CCDL has collected and distributed food for those in need at our monthly meetings. Thank you to all of our members who generously donated canned goods and other non-perishable items to our January meeting.
  • Letter Writing Campaign – all CCDL members are encouraged to write pro-gun letters to the editors of news organizations.  


  • Executive and committee reports
  • Legislative Update (Status of proposed legislation)
  • BFPE Discussion
  • Hunting and Fishing Show (wrap up)
  • Volunteer opportunities to help CCDL
  • Report on Duncan v Becerra (Potential Impact for CT)
  • Looking ahead in 2019
  • Brief Open Forum – input from Attendees


The next General Meeting of Connecticut Citizens Defense League will held on June 11, 2019 at Elks Lodge 44 Maynard Street, Middletown CT.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM.



Scott Wilson called the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 pm


Cheryl Lemos – Secretary CCDL

May 15, 2019

New Memberships and The CCDL store are temporarily disabled while we upgrade our website.

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