Political Hijinks

Earlier today, a political robocall was sent out by former candidate for governor Peter Lumaj on behalf of the Bob Stefanowski for Governor Campaign.

Here is what is troubling:

CCDL endorsed Peter Lumaj for the Republican convention, and it was a one-time endorsement that extended to him, and him alone. Our initial endorsement of Peter Lumaj was not for passing along as though it were an inheritance should his campaign fail. And ultimately, it did fail.

In the robocall message, Peter stated that because CCDL endorsed him, people should vote for Bob Stefanowski. He has done so with full knowledge and understanding that the Connecticut Citizens Defense League does not support Bob’s campaign. Some may view this as politics as usual, but the reality is, this is a betrayal of trust and honor that was bestowed to Peter Lumaj by our organization. Such a move of this kind is one that travels down into the ‘filthiest of filthy bowels’ of Connecticut politics.

Let the record stand that CCDL fully endorses Tim Herbst for governor, not anyone else. The dirty trick of a formerly celebrated man named Peter Lumaj will never change that.

Another troubling point:

The robocall goes on to imply that because Tim Herbst was endorsed by a former legislator who once voted for an antigun bill, that Tim himself cannot truly support your gun rights. While this is an absurd conclusion to jump to, it’s also an extremely hypocritical one as well.  Stefanowski proudly touts the endorsements of several antigun legislators, such as Dave Yaccarino and Noreen Kokoruda. Both of them voted for SB1160 and numerous antigun bills since. If CCDL endorsed candidate Tim Herbst is antigun simply by association, then so is Bob Stefanowski.


The last troubling point:

The call claimed that Bob Stefanowski is “A” rated by the NRA. That is a lie by every measure. The NRA does not give A ratings to candidates that have no viable track record. Bob’s rating is no better than Tim’s rating from the NRA.

The highest rating that the NRA gives to untested candidates seeking office s AQ. There is a big difference, in that one implies they are battle tested, the other indicates strong leanings but untested. That erroneous message sent out by the Stefanowski campaign clearly is either shady, amateur or maybe even both.

Scott Wilson Sr.
CCDL, Inc.


Peter Lumaj Robocall for Bob Stefanowski

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