Upcoming Gubernatorial Election

This is a guest post by CCDL President Scott Wilson.

Dear members and supporters,

There are a few important points I’d like to make in my capacity as the president of CCDL.

The first point is this. 2018 was the first election cycle that the CCDL Executive committee made convention, and primary endorsements.  This year it was something that we felt was crucially important. The downside was our early involvement was also time-consuming and often contentious. While the majority of the committee voted to endorse Tim Herbst for governor in the primary election, there were those who supported Bob Stefanowski. While I will personally stand by our choice for Herbst in the primary, I will say that Bob Stefanowski also personally made very strong statements of support for the 2nd Amendment; both to the Executive Committee, and to our members. Connecticut gun owners are fortunate to have ended up with a candidate for governor who has shown this level of support for the issues that matter most to us.

Another point that I would like to make is that while it is indeed good news for 2A supporters that Bob is the nominee for governor, the best news is that we have Joe Markley on the ticket alongside him as the nominee for lieutenant governor.  As a state senator for the past eight years, Joe has never once wavered in his support of the Constitution. This could be crucial for us because in the event of a tie vote in the legislature, the lieutenant governor casts the tie-breaking vote. This is a very solid ticket, especially considering some of the other candidates in both races were less than enthusiast or sincere in their support of the 2nd Amendment.

Now for the biggest point.  Ned Lamont is on record stating he will support further gun control initiatives. After eight long years of attacks, legislation, and unconstitutional laws by Governor Malloy, the last thing that law-abiding gun owners need is more of the same. Electing Ned Lamont would be no better than reelecting Dan Malloy, and might even be worse.

Beyond the race for governor:
In the coming weeks, the CCDL Executive Committee will be releasing our endorsements for the November 6th general election.  We ask that our members pay attention and get involved with helping to support solid 2A candidates. The most important tool for stopping anti-gun legislation is you. Without your help we will lose key races that absolutely must be won. There is no magic bullet, but just a little bit of work and a little bit of dedication can lead to success.

In closing, let me add my voice to the many who have already done so:
Congratulations to the formation of the Stefanowski/Markley ticket!
I know that both of you will work hard to win the tough battle ahead.

Scott Wilson – CCDL President

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